The point is that I want to simplify the whole I/O configuration process by creating an “inside the plugin” configuration interface.
There will be no “keywords”, no conversions. All hardware (multiplexers, switches, LEDs, etc.) will be “attached” to the boards in the “wiring” window, and the function description (plain text format) will be added by the user (at any time, of course).
Then the user will simply select the assigned input/output on the board/multiplexer and directly map it to the custom/standard datarefs/commands with options (and immediately check if it works).
Also, there will still be about 2000 predefined SimVimX control functions (from our current database) with description that can be selected to assign them to your I/O, to help users who are just starting out or to save time.
The config is saved for every plane independently (in its folder), but can be copied to another plane from the plugin menu.