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This forum (Q/A area) is for SimVimX software users. Registered and approved users may have access to some additional site (configurator) features, send us the feedback, bug reports or messages.

Latest updates (26 March 2024) (download)

After long and careful refinement, we are releasing SimVimX Plugin v2.20, along with a completely rebuilt configuration and conversion tool.

1) The goal for remaking the online interface was simplifying the configuration process, making it more intuitive, including all possible settings for configuration while requiring less clicks.

2) Same goes for creating the aircraft conversions, a process which now feels similar to configuration, and doesn't require all converted parameters to be already assigned in the configuration file at the time of conversion.

3) A lot of time was also spent refining the SimVimX keyword database and configuration maps in the config tool.

Many keywords in the configurator and in our built-in aircraft conversions have been brought in line with those in the database, and all duplicate synonyms have been discarded. Also, there are no deprecated keywords that are no longer in use.

If you have your own aircraft conversion file, the plugin finds all deprecated keywords and automatically replaces them in your conversion and in your configuration file according to the current database.

All of our previously built-in conversions for the aircraft models listed here are now available for download as separate conversion files, which can be used with the plugin right away, or loaded into the conversion tool to continue working on them, in case some parameters still require conversion for that model.

All aircraft models included in X-Plane by default do not required to make user conversions for them. If some of these aircraft use few custom datarefs along with the default ones conversions for those plane models (+ B738 Zibo mod) are always built-in, packaged with SimVimX.dat.

Related to all these changes, the plugin now handles the configuration differently.

Now you can create several configuration files, loaded based on the currently selected aircraft model.

Conversions are no longer part of the configuration file, but are stored separately in the "conv" folder inside the plugin, making it easier to handle them individually.

Along with this, device preferences (calibration, radio memory, input options, etc) are now saved in the current configuration file by the plugin, so that different configuration files could easily use different calibration settings.

All of the above changes are applied by the plugin automatically to the older configuration files, without requiring the user to do anything to adapt their configuration to the new version.

Database and configuration maps:

Audio panel functionality has been extended, a lot of new audio keywords were added. Now you can assign all possible actuators and indicators for any aircraft panel.

The hydraulic and anti-icing systems have been completely redesigned, and a number of aircraft config maps are currently being expanded.

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